Therapy for “Codependence”
Codependence is the constant sacrifice of yourself in order to maintain a relationship.
This can be very unsatisfying, enraging and leads to becoming smaller and hopeless in your relationships.
It is scary to consider addressing the ways in which you might compromise yourself in relationships. Investigating this part of you does not mean you need to take action and end relationships. It means you get to feel like you have a choice in who you invite in and how you welcome them to your life.
I am an expert in working with partners who have been in relationships impacted by substances
Codependence is Often Associated with Addiction
AND You do not need to have experience with a partner who struggles with substance use to work with me.
You just need to be interested in getting to know yourself and understanding more about who you are in relationships.
Over the years I’ve been a guest on a few podcasts regarding the word codependence, and addiction. It can be scary to put your words out into the world and not be able to edit them. I hope some of my vulnerability and messiness will help you.
( Feel free to fast forward through anything, including the music - to my nervous system, it’s obnoxious, but that’s just me! :)
This podcast is entitled “In Love with an Addict”. Was I? In some ways absolutely. In other ways this relationship set me on a wonderful path to understanding my value, living for myself, and knowing how to let go of the idea that I have to sacrifice myself for someone else.