Relationship Therapy
Relationships can be very fulfilling… but I’m guessing you aren’t here today because you feel fulfilled. Chances are you are in one or more relationships which are maddening, unsteady, confusing, and leave you feeling more alone. You just want to learn about yourself and acquire additional skills so that you can foster healthy, satisfying relationships down the road.
Do Any of These Ring True for You?
You are in an intimate partnership and you feel alone and emotionally closed off from your partner. Maybe you’ve been together for years, but somewhere along the way, you lost a vital part of yourself. You may know something needs to change, but you aren’t exactly sure where to start.
Maybe you’re a meticulous planner who likes everything to be in order. When it comes to relationships, it’s difficult to plan or know what the “right” move should be. The people around you may think your life is wonderful, but they fail to see you’re struggling inside.
You might concentrate on others’ needs more than your own. Maybe someone close to you struggles with mental illness or chronic pain. As your time and resources run thin, you may need someone to recognize you are struggling, too. You just want someone to see you.
You have recently gone through a divorce or breakup and wonder what happened. Maybe you’re afraid of making the same mistakes in the future or you recognize that the same patterns are happening over and over again.
You are impacted by trauma, social anxiety or something else that may be holding you back from intimacy with others. As you go through life without a special connection—one in which you can express yourself honestly and let someone else in—you may feel increasingly alone. That does not have to be the case.
Perhaps you are in a relationship affected by substance abuse… And you’re hurt by the actions of your partner. You may even blame yourself or feel ashamed and wonder why you’re not enough—why you’re not worth quitting for. You may feel very isolated, even disconnected from yourself and unable to talk about it. It could be that you spend so much time and energy thinking or talking about your partner that it feels like you are not living for yourself anymore.